This poem started out as a full name. VNB are just initials. I changed the title and replaced it with the initials so I feel safer. Because we are becoming an increasingly litigious society and I did not wish to entertain controversy over a figment of my imagination! I long for simpler times when there was no need to object to every word, sentence, paragraph, chapter, verse and book and imagined slights. In a world where brother does not spare brother and sister does not spare sister, where the edge of darkness is not discernible from the enveloping gloom, where people and nations long for peace but will not cease awhile to assess the worth of a meaningless fight, it is better to insulate oneself against the forces of discord! Peace and love to one and all! And a poem dedicated to all victims of circumstance! Fear not, not all events end as tragically as the case below!
VNB is a businessman.
No matter what tense he lived in,
That was his identity: businessman.
He lived two floors above and he loved big cars.
Creature of habit, he left his home at nine,
His faithful driver ready by ten minutes to nine.
But there was one car his driver could not drive,
His electric blue Volkswagen Beetle that he drove himself.
Tuesday morning, that’s what he did, drove himself.
At ten minutes after nine, he was a dead man
Behind the blood-spattered steering wheel,
shattered fissured windscreen, two bullets in his brain.
And the people talked – underworld connections, enraged
husband of lover, deals gone sour, betting syndicates, scams.
The relentless pursuit of sensation, the warped accountancy of rumour.
And the people wept around his corpse as it lay crackling
In the haze that only heat can create, illuminating a life.
His conscience did not splutter in the dying embers.
Honest businessman. Mistaken identity!
VNB is a businessman.
No matter what tense he lived in,
That was his identity: businessman.
He lived two floors above and he loved big cars.
Creature of habit, he left his home at nine,
His faithful driver ready by ten minutes to nine.
But there was one car his driver could not drive,
His electric blue Volkswagen Beetle that he drove himself.
Tuesday morning, that’s what he did, drove himself.
At ten minutes after nine, he was a dead man
Behind the blood-spattered steering wheel,
shattered fissured windscreen, two bullets in his brain.
And the people talked – underworld connections, enraged
husband of lover, deals gone sour, betting syndicates, scams.
The relentless pursuit of sensation, the warped accountancy of rumour.
And the people wept around his corpse as it lay crackling
In the haze that only heat can create, illuminating a life.
His conscience did not splutter in the dying embers.
Honest businessman. Mistaken identity!