Wednesday, 15 January 2014


You may have observed that most material published on my blog are about celebrating people - those who at some time or the other, enter and exit one's life. As one's career moves on, colleagues get younger and younger. And this poem is about those in whose presence, I felt alive! The good times, far away from the high tension that was part of daily routine.

Another lesson! Remember the good times, forget the bad!

(for Kavita, Lilian, Pooja, Shilpa, Sonali, Suchita, Bharat, Kunal & Noshir)

In the too brief interlude between work and hard work
The entire team decided their responsibilities to shirk
Rode the bus down the dark, desperate highway
No waiting to exhale and blindly seizing the day!

The rain driving kaleidoscopic patterns on the glass
The team reached for glory and attained critical mass
The noise unabated, joy was unalloyed and pure
Lost their way, got back on track, for fun, no cure!

Morning brought them to the miniscule reservoir
Not enough to contain their unbridled energy
Moved to paddle boats in a man-made lake
One safe return, the other, the shore could barely make!

Life continued on the edge of the lunatic fringe
Leaving those, not party to paradise, to cringe
Gathered around karaoke machine, one crazy dude
In macho masculine voice, gently affirmed – INTERLUDE!

Carried over to the room, on sadness, a permanent nix
Threw in whisky and vodka for a merry uproarious mix
And lyrics on the screen rendered romantic mood
A smoking hot feminine voice, gently crooned – INTERLUDE!

Then it was time to hit the disco dance floor,
As they gyrated, set the pace, what a show!
As spirits rose and the soul fed on good food
In one voice, they shook the heavens and cried – INTERLUDE!


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