Saturday, 1 June 2013

Hello Uncle - a poem about a scary uncle

Hello Uncle

Hello Uncle was no mean shuffler
Around his neck, a bright red muffler,
At the height of a thousand Mumbai summers,
He stared long, piercing and hard at all comers!

No doubt he was a man of great culture,
Knowledge was carrion to this grave vulture,
His bookshelves offered great tomes, delicious savouries,
An upright piano, music-soothed brow tickled the ivories!

English Lit, medical journals, medicine homeopathic
Dealing with matters psychosomatic and psychopathic
Atop his shelves, embryos floated in formaldehyde
That was the scary bit, his joy and vicarious pride!

Even the greatest from their pedestals must fall,
When clamouring bowels give the clarion call,
Much to the muffler-shuffler’s immense chagrin
Instead of water, he carried a can of kerosene!

Children ran from his lean, mean and hungry look
Not willing to play his game by his word, code or book
They hurried past his door, no time to ask why Hello, Uncle
They ran hard and fast, no time to say Goodbye, Uncle!


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