Saturday, 5 October 2013


The monsoons are receding, moving out of Mumbai with their stock exit - all noise and bluster like an impotent street mob! Well, there is one mother of a monsoon season, any semi-conscious Mumbaikar (at that time) will never forget - the monsoon of 2005 specifically 26th July 2005. Everyone has their 26/7 story. Here is mine.

(to be sung to Neil Diamond’s Brother Love’s Travelling Salvation Show)

Brother Erle sat erect and white-knuckled at the wheel,
With an alert eye for some distance to steal,
He weaved through traffic with passionate zeal.
He was our ticket to a homemade meal!

The Eagles, they sang about taking it easy,
And even though our stomachs were queasy,
Sister Anita to my left and Brother Haydn to my right,
Sang the blues away with all their collective might!

Feigning ignorance, tomorrow the Chief M will ask the MC,
“What happened to your disaster scam?”
Forget them; we got no one but each other,
So who cares about them and their mother!

So let’s hold hands and move for our own sakes,
Brothers and sisters, its all about gives and takes,
Move on from these temporary heaven-made lakes,
And to hell with mealy-mouthed political fakes!

The heavens cried about their sordid mess.
We were mere pawns in this giant game of chess,
Reach out your hand to your neighbour and guess
Who is to blame and who is to bless!

Brother Erle stopped short and took stock
And turning a gentle eye, he counted his flock
Ankita and Anton, do not slip and forever sleep
For the vertically challenged, all waters run deep!

When the final struggle is taken at the flood
We acknowledge the Mumbai Spirit in our blood
All of them will stand up and salute our grit
‘Cause we moved together and never once split!

Chorus (to be sung after every verse, if required)

Brother Erle’s travelling; Brother Erle’s travelling salvation show,
Grab the old ropes; don’t give up your hopes,
‘Cause everyone knows, everyone knows
Brother Erle’s love shows
Alleluia, Alle Alleluia
(After last verse to be sung with a prolonged Amen)


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