Friday, 20 September 2013


As you grow older, keep an open mind, reserve your judgment else end up like the Quorum! Be warned!


Four middle-aged ladies decided the bus was the best forum
To convene a society meeting, they had adequate quorum.
They were fed up with the liberal-minded managing committee
Who did their own bidding, leaving them fuming on the settee!

          The conductor came around asking for the correct fare,
          They snarled; gave the poor man an unhealthy scare.
          On their agenda, they arranged their serious causes
          And proceeded with single-minded purpose, no pauses!

Agenda Item 1 – Swinging call centre singles
They should not be allowed to stay; they are pretty little things,
Who are always having reckless, senseless, naughty little flings,
Keep them out; give them a cold, nasty, hardnosed reception,
After all, we gave birth through divine immaculate conception!

Agenda Item 2 – Irritating pets
        Down with those who have this crazy pet fetish,
          All those canines and felines make us skittish,
          What is so fascinating about the four-legged variety?
          That gives them goo-goo eyes; must check their sobriety!

Agenda Item 3 – Careless water users
Some hose their homes down every other week,
Causing the false ceilings, of those below, to leak, 
We should charge them penalty and double tax
For displaying behaviour so disastrously lax!

Agenda Item 4 – Illegal flat extensions
And some seek to push boundaries, flooring, walls,
As if they plan to perennially host New Year balls,
Knock them down, pulverize every bit of renovation
Blow them to smithereens, destroy their innovation!

Agenda Item 5 – Brazen condom users
And there are residents, who sow wild and casual oats,
They just should not light fires; we must burn their boats,
As with all raging fires, they consume with voracious haste,
And from their windows, discard their infernal carnal waste!

Agenda Item 6 – Non-payment of society dues
And there are those, for favours, stand in queues,
It is criminal the way they do not pay their dues.
They should be pilloried, drawn and quartered,
After that, they should be racked and slaughtered!

 Agenda Item 7 – Other gossiping old ladies
They sit every evening in our verdant society garden,
Gossiping about all and sundry without begging pardon,
We are not like them; our minds are spotlessly clean,
Not like those old witches, vicious and mean!

Agenda Item 8 – Pesky children
The little rascals run untamed, wild and amuck,
Sometimes they give us the bird and think we suck!
Their parents should be jailed for their manners,
If we had numbers, we would march with banners!

Meeting’s conclusion
Four middle-aged ladies gingerly got off the bus.
The world is changing, that’s why they raised a fuss.
Back in the old days, they might have had a host of lovers,
But they conducted their business strictly under covers!

Four middle-aged ladies gingerly got off the bus.
A spent force with no more strength to cuss,
They understood New Age had upset the applecart,
They wished they could participate and take part!


1 comment:

  1. Very evocative, Antonio. The collective but realized impotence comes through loud & clear :)
